Players and People Involved With The Club
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Meet The Players

1 Adam Stainforth
2 Jamie Arnell
3 Ashley Arnell
4 James Dickinson
5 Stuart Steels
6 Mitchell Brookes
7 James Knight
8 Danny Green
9 Alan Peak
10 Dean Clark
11 Daniel Jordan
14 Sam Axon
15 Callum Taylor
16 Joe Butterrick
17 Jordan Verity

The Team On Matchday

From Left to Right (Top Row): John Prosser (manager), Jordan Verity, Stuart Steels, Dean Clark, Adam Stainforth, Mitchell Brooks, Ashley Arnell, Sam Axon, Pete Steels (Coach)

From Left to Right (Bottom Row): Danny Green, Danny Jordan, James Knight, Alan Peak, Joe Butterick, Callum Taylor, Jamie Arnell, James Dickson



People Involved With The Club

John Prosser - Manager

Pete Steels - Coach

Brian Arnell - Club Secretary

Patsy Verity - First Aider/No1 Supporter!

Mark Taylor - Coach

Pete Verity - Coach

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I'd like all the people that are involved with the club to know, how much the players appreciate how much effort and commitment you put in. Without you, this team would be nothing. Many thanks to all the staff for all their hard work, and making time for our training sessions, matches etc.

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Jordan Verity

This is Jordan Verity, he is a hard-working, talented player. This picture illustrates him playing a sweetly stroked ball into the danger area.

Danny Green

This is me taking on the last defender. Unfortunately it didn't pull off as I'm still awaiting my first goal.